The reality show ‘Double Shot At Love,’ shown on MTV, follows DJ Pauly D and Vincent Guadagnino AKA Vinny as they try to find love. Each week, a diverse collection of ladies competes for Pauly and Vinny’s attention; in the end, Pauly and Vinny choose one woman each as the show’s and their hearts’ champions.
Since its premiere in 2019, the show’s stunning participants have kept viewers delighted with their naughty antics.
In season 2, Pauly D discovered his soul mate in Nikki Hall, and in season 3, they helped guide Vinny on his own romantic path. After a string of heartbreaks in seasons one and two, Vinny finally found love in season three with Akielia AK Rucker, who went on to win the competition.
Viewers cared deeply about the couple all season, and they were ecstatic when Vinny and Akielia finally decided to give their relationship a go in the series finale. Everyone is wondering what became of the couple now that the season has over. What we know at this time is detailed below.
Are Vinny and Akielia From Double Shot At Love Still Together?
Vinny and Akielia were forbidden to have any contact with each other for a good long while after filming of Season 3 of Double Shot at Love finished. As for the present, how do the two sides stand?
Vinny and Akielia are not together at this time. The actor took to social media just one day after the series finale aired to update his fans on the status of his relationship with the show’s most popular cast member.
Vinny posted on his Instagram stories, “The finale you watched last night was filmed seven months ago. ‘AK’ and I have kept in touch. We are not in a relationship, but I now consider her a friend because she’s cool AF.” He continued by saying that he entered the season with a “open heart and mind,” hoping to meet his person.
One reason Vinny believes it’s been so challenging to find love on the show is due to the structure: “These shots at love are crazy social experiments where you try to match people up in a few weeks,” he wrote. “And then [you’re] required to not physically see the person you picked for seven months (until the finale) so that you don’t give away the ending of the show.”
“I love that it entertains people,” he continued. “And sometimes it works as a starting point, but it isn’t a guarantee of finding a serious relationship. Believe it or not, I’m a real human outside of TV shows, lol. But I’m always down to take the shot! ”
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How Was Their Chemistry on the Show?
A native of Moberly, Missouri’s small town, Akielia AK Rucker is a 28-year-old travel nurse and model. She has also made guest appearances on “Wild ‘N’ Out” seasons 15, 16, and 17.
In 2021, while Akielia was competing on Season 3 of “Double Shot at Love,” she met Vinny Guadagnino. Akielia and Vinny have had chemistry from the very first episode, and Vinny shared his first kiss with her in episode 2 of that season.
Akielia, a former college basketball player, shows off her dribbling talents in a game versus Vinny. On top of that, Paula, Vinny’s mom, thought Akielia was the most attractive and intelligent of all the contestants since she wanted to settle down and start a family. Akielia, along with Emily “Peachy” Piccinonno and Erika DeVito, made it to the final three of Season 3 because of Vinny, who was clearly influenced by his mother’s liking for her.
Viewers saw Vinny dismiss the other two contestants before asking Akielia for a “small” chance at love, despite his conviction that he already had a long-term relationship with her. Despite his doubts if Akielia truly cared for him and his fears of heartbreak, he decided to give her a chance.
Although she was apprehensive to be his last chance, given how little time they had spent together, Akielia accepted, and the finale ended with the pair going on a double date with Pauly D and Nikki.
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Will They Return in the Upcoming Season?
Vinny is scheduled to make his way back onto the cast of ‘Jersey Shore’ for its upcoming fifth season, and Akielia was only just seen in ‘Wild ‘N’ Out’s’ holiday episode. Vinny is also planned to make an appearance on the show.
Vinny currently does not follow Akeilia on Instagram, despite the fact that Akeilia is one of Vinny’s followers on the photo-sharing platform. Due to the fact that the rest of the show was shot many months before the conclusion, Akielia and Vinny did not get the chance to interact with one another during that time, and as a result, their connection was severed.