Southern Charm Season 8: When Will It Be Released?
“Southern Charm Season 8” is an American reality television series created by Bryan Kestner and Whitney Sudler-Smith that premiered on Bravo on March 3, 2014. The series chronicles the private lives and professional endeavours of seven extroverts who reside in Charleston, South Carolina. The show focuses on the Southern region’s culture and political history, and has included ancient sites such as the Mikell House and Lewisfield Plantation.
Craig Conover, Cameran Eubanks, Jenna King, Thomas Ravenel, Shep Rose, Whitney Sudler-Smith, Kathryn Calhoun Dennis, Landon Clements, Austen Kroll, Chelsea Meissner, Naomie Olindo, Eliza Limehouse, Leva Bonaparte, Madison Leroy, John Pringle, Olivia Flowers, Venita Aspen, Chleb Ravenell, and Marcia Hobbs have all appeared in the series throughout the seasons. However, it has been rumoured that several of them have already left the show and will not return in subsequent seasons.
Bravo’s reality series has aired seven seasons and 83 episodes in total, with each episode lasting forty-two minutes. Aaron Rothman, Irad Eyal, Whitney Sudler-Smith, Bryan Kestner, Jason Weinberg, and Jessica Chesler serve as executive producers.
Here, we bring you the most up-to-date information, so if you’re interested in learning more about the forthcoming eighth season of Southern Charm, be sure to read this piece all the way to the end.
When Will Season 8 of Southern Charm Premiere?
The exciting news is that filming for the eighth season of Southern Charm concluded on December 19, 2021, with the season set to broadcast in early 2022.
According to Bustle, the majority of seasons are filmed in the fall and premiere in the spring. The seventh season, on the other hand, began filming early but was delayed owing to the Covid-19 outbreak. As a result, filming was delayed until the fall of 2020, with episodes showing from October 29th to January 21st of 2021 on Bravo TV, with reunion episodes premiering on January 28th and February 4th of 2021.
The next episodes are scheduled to premiere in Spring 2022. The number of episodes in the new season is unknown at the moment, although it is expected to be 13 or more.
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Cast: Who Will Return?
According to sources, the upcoming eighth season will have an all-new ensemble, including Chleb Ravenell, Olivia Flowers, Venita Aspen, and Marcia Hobbs. Naomie Olindo will also join the ensemble as a playmate.
Austen Kroll, Craig Conover, Kathryn Dennis, and Shep Rose starred in the previous season. Apart from them, Madison LeCroy has been promoted to a full-time cast member, and the show has welcomed two newbies, Leva Bonaparte and John Pringle.
According to speculations, Venita Aspen has gained a spot on the show’s full-time cast, and three additional fresh faces will be added. According to sources, the new cast for the eighth season has been “approved” by several members of the original cast and that “it should be a bigger cast and more enjoyable this year.”
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What Can We Expect From Southern Charm’s Season 8?
One thing to anticipate from a new season is a slew of dramas, fallouts, and a sprinkle of romance to keep things interesting.
Craig Conover previously spoke with Louisiana State University students about pursuing one’s passion. That’s when he dropped some tidbits regarding the show’s forthcoming eighth season. “It’s going to be insane,” Conover said to local station WAFB.
“It’s absolutely an old-school classic Southern Charm,” he added, “but with the twists that are going to come out, you’re going to be like, there’s no way this is happening.” “So I believe it’s going to be an incredible season, and I’m really looking forward to it.”
Additionally, he emphasised that the appropriate season would most certainly approach shortly. “I’m sure I’d get into a little more trouble if I told you that,” he explained. “However, that is not far off.”
With that stated, season 8 is going to be a lot more entertaining and will provide more twists, just as we anticipate. What are your thoughts? Are you looking forward to the new season? Kindly inform us in the comments section below.
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