Mirai Nikki, commonly known as Future Diary, is a manga series published in Japan under the title Sakae Esuno. The plot revolves around 12 characters who compete in a royal diary tournament and are assigned future diaries. These future diaries are one-of-a-kind and have the ability to foretell the future. Deus Ex Machina, the kast survivor, is the God of Space and Time.
Yuki Amano, Yuno Gasal, Minene Uryu, and Aru Akise are the protagonists. Yuki Amano was an antisocial boy whose sole purpose in life was to survive. Gasal, Yuno The other contender is a close friend of Yuki’s and will go to any length for her. Minene Uryu was another member who was a saboteur and harboured ill will toward the almighty.
Aru Akise was assigned the role of detective and was tasked with proving Yuno’s deepest secrets as well as the genuine motivation for the game. From October 10, 2011 until April 16, 2012, this anime series aired on Chiba TV and TV Saitama. It was broadcast in the United States on Funimation and in the United Kingdom on Kaze UK. Fans are anticipating the second season, and in this article, we’ve covered everything you need to know about the release date and other details about Future Diary season 2.
Studio Asread was responsible for the production of future diaries. This series was directed by Naoto Hosoda. This manga series was written by Katsuhiko Takayama. Hidetsugu Hirayama created the characters, while Toshiyuki Tokuda oversaw the art direction.
Season 2 premiere date for Future Diary
Indeed, there were reports that the Future Diary sequel might be cancelled, which was terrible news for all fans. However, there is no official cancellation announcement from Studio Assad or any of the other official groups associated with this anime. However, there are slim odds of the second half being renewed, despite the high desire for it.
It’s difficult to anticipate whether or not season 2 will be released. The primary reason for this is that the storey has already been concluded in part 2. And as soon as official statements regarding the second season become available, we will keep you updated here. The second season is expected to be renewed in the late months of 2022 or early 2023.
Is Season 2 of Future Diary Cancelled?
Perhaps, perhaps not. There have been speculations about the sequel being cancelled, and there have been no official statements from Studio Asread or other production houses associated with this anime addressing the sequel’s development. The primary reason for this is simply that the first season ended on a positive note with no suspense remaining, but the fan base is so large that we might see a part 2 with a fresh plot and some new characters as well.
Indeed, while the first season ended with the OVA episode, many fans did not view it until now, which is why demand for season 2 is so great. Additionally, the first season finale ended on a cliffhanger, leaving the audience unsatisfied with the conclusion. The OVA episode was released in June 2013 and concluded the tale properly, which is why Future Diary did not require a season 2.
Additionally, the only option left is for Sakae Esuno to write additional stories in order to continue the series. Only then will the studio announce the renewal of the second season.
Indeed, when the final episode of season 1 was released, there was something missing in the ending. In order to satisfy the audience with a satisfactory conclusion, the creators decided to release an OVA episode in 2019. The OVA episode covered the storyline and everything remaining in the storey, providing a beautiful and satisfying conclusion.
Season 2 of Future Diary Plot Expectations
The storey is based on Yukiteru Amano, a high school adolescent boy who appeared to be sweet. He appears to be perpetually preoccupied with his own world, his diary, and he was a natural introvert. He used to keep a diary in which he recorded everything that happened in his life. He was also socially inactive; he has two digitally linked pals, and his work was ordinary.
Deus Ex Machina and Deus Servitor were his two digital friends. After a few episodes, the deity of time and space -Deus – transforms into a live entity. He advised Yukiteru to join the Game in order to approach the god of time and space. Thus, the game is made up of levels in which 11 members compete to destroy each other’s diaries in order to complete Kevel. Yukiteru appears to be more popular with the gods than the rest.
Now, the protagonist is kind in the face of all this violence and was always on the safe side in the game. In the game, he meets another new friend, Yuno Gasai, who has a crush on Yukiteru. The twist is that he always assists Yukiteru in achieving his goals and saves and assists him as well in order for him to become the god of time and space. Following this, numerous secrets were revealed, as well as the motivation behind each and every character’s approach in the subsequent episode.
Updates to the Future Diary Season 2 Trailer
As of now, there are no official statements from the filmmakers or production house regarding the trailer. We will update this page as soon as official announcements are made. The first season trailer is embedded below.
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